Update: ACT Kangaroo Cull

The Panel’s legal team filed on behalf of the Australian Society of Kangaroos an application to review yesterday morning in the ACT CAT, challenging the Tribunal’s calculation of permissible eastern grey kangaroo kill numbers, having regard to the formula adopted in their reasons for judgement. If upheld, the application for review would have reduced the permissible kill numbers by some hundreds. The application was fixed for hearing at 4pm yesterday as a directions hearing, but when it came on for hearing the application was heard instead. Geoffrey Kennett, SC appeared by telephone from Sydney for ASK. The application was dismissed. The Tribunal ruled that their methodology was correct.

The Panel thanks the legal team and ASK for all their industry in a tight time frame. The ACT Government’s manoeuvre to announce the cull one day and commence operations a couple of days later to shut down any legal challenge was defeated. Standing to sue on the part of ASK was established (not always easy). An interim stay was obtained. 211 lives were saved. This application was but the first round. The battle for the eastern grey kangaroos continues.
