Key Panel Officers

Graeme McEwen – Founder and Former Chair and Director


  • Graeme McEwen is a member of the Victorian bar and is a practicing barrister for over 25 years who specialises in commercial law and:
  • Is the inaugural lecturer (part-time) in Animal Law in the undergraduate law course at Melbourne University
  • Graeme McEwen:
  • – was one of a small team of counsel who appeared for Laurie Levy (the well-known campaigner against duck shooting) in the High Court milestone free speech case of Levy v State of Victoria [1997] HCA 31; (1997) 146 ALR 248;
  • – is a past president of Animals Australia (1983 – 1994);
  • – is a former Advisory Director of the World Society for the Protection of Animals;
  • – is a former member of the animal welfare advisory committee to the Federal Minister for Agriculture(then known as the National Consultative Committee on Animal Welfare) and;
  • – is a former senior associate, Mallesons.

Joana Fuller – Former Chair now coordinator for South Australia

joana fuller

Joana Fuller was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of South Australia in 1994 and has been practising as a barrister at Bar Chambers since August 1997. She specialises in traffic law but her general practice is in criminal law and she regularly appears in the Magistrates, District and Supreme Court of South Australia in both the trial and appellate jurisdiction. Joana also appears as counsel for the RSPCA in prosecutions under the Animal Welfare Act 1985 and has appeared as counsel for Animal Liberation in civil and criminal proceedings.

Joana is the Chair of the Animal Law Committee of the Law Society of South Australia and has held this position since the inception of the Committee in February 2010. The Animal Law Committee is a specialist Committee established by the Law Society of South Australia to represent the interests of the Society and the profession in legal regulation of the relationships between animals and people and other entities or organisations (“Animal Law”).


  • Joana Fuller is:
  • – the legal member of the Review Committee established under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959.
  • – the author of the Thomsons looseleaf service Motor Vehicle Law South Australia.
  • – a member of the RAAF and holds the rank of SQNLDR in the RAAF Specialist Reserve and;
  • – has been vegetarian since she was 11 years old and a vegan since 2010.

Sean Selleck (Vic) – Company Secretary and Director


Dyson Hore-Lacey SC (Vic) – Director

Dyson F Hore-Lacy S.C.

Admitted to practice in Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia and Northern Territory.
Vast majority of work since admission has been court work. Has appeared extensively for Aboriginals in Northern Territory and Western Australia. Took silk in 1995. In recent years, has practiced mainly in Criminal Law, Personal Injuries cases, Coronial Inquests including a number of police shootings as well as some Commercial. Practices in appellate jurisdictions in both civil and criminal jurisdictions.

Dyson was admitted to Victorian Bar in 1967. In early years, appeared in a wide variety of jurisdictions including:

  • – Crime;
  • – Police Offences;
  • – Maintenance (Family Law);
  • – Motor Accident Damages Claims;
  • – Divorce and Tribunals (VRC);
  • – Liquor Licensing etc).

Other Directors

Anthony Schlicht (Vic)
Richard Kendall QC (Vic)
Graeme Page QC (QLD)
Robert Stitt QC (NSW
Mark Rinaldi (Tas)


3 thoughts on “Key Panel Officers

  1. Needing legal help with a qcat matter, my dogs were seized by north Burnett council as they were accused of attacking a goat, my three dogs were kept in inhumane by council and one died as a consequence, my dogs are now kept in an unknown location, these dogs were much loved family members and we are devastated, my dogs have been held for months and now might be held for another six months waiting for a hearing, I have no legal advice or representation and I need help to save my dogs life.

  2. Hi
    I’m the founder of For the Love of Wildlife and instrumental in getting the recent ban of lion trophies and body parts announced by Greg Hunt in March this year.

    Blood Lions was just premiered at the Durban Film Festival with outstanding success. Ian Michler (lead role/conservationist) and Pippa Hankinson (Producer) are coming out to Australia in September to attend screenings that I’m hosting.

    The screenings are being held at Melb Uni and UTS Sydney with a panel discussion / Q&A following. The panel will consist of Ian Michler and Pippa Hankinson, Mark Pearson (yet to be confirmed) or Bruce Poon, Animal Justice Party and it would be fabulous to have an animal rights lawyer to also participate.

    Nichola Donovan as agreed to participate in Melbourne and would like to extend an invite to the Sydney event which will be Friday 4th September.

    If you wish to discuss further please call me 0417 939 042.

    Many thanks

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