
Australia wins whaling case against Japan

The International Court of Justice has found for Australia 12 to 4, ruling that Japan must cease whaling in the Antarctic. The UN court found that Japan’s whaling hunt in the Southern Ocean is not a scientific program, despite what Tokyo has always claimed. Watch the SBS report here. Click here for the ICJ Judges Opinions.

ACCC institutes proceedings against free range egg producers

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has filed separate proceedings in the Federal Court against egg producers in WA and NSW alleging that each of the producer’s use of “free range” was misleading. The ACCC alleges that Snowdale Holdings Pty Ltd (Snowdale) in WA and Pirovic Enterprises Pty Ltd (Pirovic) in NSW, through the use…

The Fight for Zeus, Part IV

Panel counsel appeared for Zeus’ owner at VCAT on 17 and 18 December  2013 in an application challenging the declaration by the City of Greater Geelong that Zeus is a restricted breed dog. Judgment has been reserved, and may be handed down before Christmas. See previous posts about The Fight for Knuckles and Zeus: the declaration…

Live export to Gaza under scrutiny

A seven-minute video released by Animals Australia shows Australian cattle being abused in Gaza. The graphic footage from October this year shows a man armed with a rifle knee-capping an Australian bull. Other bulls are seen being stabbed in the eye or having their throats cut open on the streets of Gaza. Livestock Shipping Services…

Legal personhood sought for chimps

The Nonhuman Rights Project has filed the first lawsuit in the US to establish the legal personhood of chimpanzees. The animal rights group has asked a New York state court to declare Tommy, a 26 year old chimp, “a cognitively complex autonomous legal person with the fundamental legal right not to be imprisoned”. President of…

China to remove mandatory animal testing for domestically manufactured cosmetics

China’s Food and Drug Administration has announced that from June 2014, China plans to remove its mandatory animal testing requirements for domestically manufactured cosmetic products. “Non-special use cosmetics” such as shampoo or perfume may then have their product safety substantiated in reliance on existing safety data for raw ingredients, or European Union-validated non-animal tests instead…

Working towards the end of indigenous hunting

As a member of the Animal Coalition, the Panel opposes indigenous hunting of marine life like turtles and dugongs. The Panel has arranged for legal advice to be tendered shortly to the Animal Coalition on the means to secure this in the face of native title and exemptions from cruelty laws for indigenous custom. The…

Mylo’s appeal expedited

Associate Justice Derham of the Supreme Court of Victoria yesterday expedited the hearing of Mylo’s appeal by directing, first, that both the application for leave ( permission) to appeal and the appeal be heard together by a Judge of the Court and, second, that the parties file and serve written submissions and a court book…