The Fight For Zeus, Part V

Knuckles (tan and white) and Zeus (tan)

Knuckles (tan and white) and Zeus (tan)

Senior Member I. Proctor of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal today set aside the declaration by the City of Greater Geelong that Zeus is a restricted breed dog.

VCAT’s decision today hopefully concludes a long battle by the Panel to rescue two dogs, Knuckles and Zeus, wrongly declared by the City of Greater Geelong to be restricted breed dogs. The battle for Knuckles was successfully concluded on 9 December 2013 when consent orders were made by VCAT revoking the declaration that he was a restricted breed dog: see our post of 9 December.  Originally Panel counsel had intervened to obtain a Supreme Court injunction to stop the dogs being put down late in the afternoon of the day they were scheduled to be killed.

The Panel gratefully acknowledges the legal representation of Zeus’ owner before VCAT by Richard Kendall QC and Catherine Boston of Panel counsel, instructed by Alysha Tuziak of Turks Legal, solicitors of Melbourne. The Panel also extends its grateful thanks to expert witnesses, veterinarian Dr Jack Ayerbe and dog judge, Colin Muir.

Click here to read VCAT’s decision.