The Fight for Zeus, Part IV

Panel counsel appeared for Zeus’ owner at VCAT on 17 and 18 December  2013 in an application challenging the declaration by the City of Greater Geelong that Zeus is a restricted breed dog. Judgment has been reserved, and may be handed down before Christmas. See previous posts about The Fight for Knuckles and Zeus: the declaration by the City of Greater Geelong that Knuckles was a restricted breed dog was recently revoked by consent at VCAT, in respect of which the Panel again congratulates the City of Greater Geelong in negotiating such an outcome.

The Panel had earlier this year intervened by Panel counsel Anthony Schlicht applying in the Supreme Court to secure an order stopping both dogs being put down. The order was obtained late in the afternoon of the day Knuckles and Zeus were due to be put down. Anthony Schlicht was instructed by Michael Faltermaier, Lawyers, to whom the Panel extends its grateful thanks.

For Zeus’ VCAT application heard this week, the Panel gratefully acknowledges in particular the advocacy of Richard Kendall QC and in addition Catherine Boston of counsel, instructed by Alysha Tuziak of TurlsLegal, Lawyers. The Panel extends its grateful thanks also to dog judge, Colin Muir, and veterinarian, Dr Jack Ayerbe.

We will post the result as soon as judgment is handed down.

Knuckles (tan and white) and Zeus (tan)

Knuckles (left) and Zeus