Below is a sample of letters sent by BAWP to Parliamentary Members, as well as records of proceedings of Parliament:
- House of Representatives, Hansard Proceedings, The Hon Melissa Parke on the Independent Office of Animal Welfare, 11 February 2013.
- BAWP letter to Labor MPs on live exports, BAWP letter to Labor MPs on live exports, 20 November 2012.
- BAWP Letter to Labor MPs on live exports, BAWP Letter to Labor MPs on live exports, 14 December 2012.
- BAWP Submission, BAWPs submission to the Department of Agriculture re the Revised Code of Practice for the Management of Dogs and Cats in Shelters and Pounds, 29 April 2011.
- Improvements in animal welfare for Australian live exports and related bills, BAWP’s submission to the senate standing committee, 15 July 2011.
- Jumps racing in South Australia, Letter to Mike Rann MP, 17 July 2011.
- BAWP’s letter to members of the Labor caucus, Caucus motion to cease live animal exports to Indonesia, to Indonesia, 7 June 2011.
- Four Corners – Live animal exports to Indonesia, Speech by Melissa Parke MP, 30 May 2011.
- BAWP letter re layer hens, 23 July 2010.
- Intensive animal farming and the Animal Justice Fund, Hansard, Tasmanian Legislative Council, 13 July 2010.
- Question by Melissa Parke, MP on ritual slaughter without pre-stunning, House of Representatives Official Hansard, 2 February 2010.
- Food Labelling Review, BAWP’s letter to Food Labelling Review, 20 November 2009.
- Sample letter to government federal MPs, Letter sent to federal MPs on ritual slaughter without pre-stunning, 13 November 2009.
- The Commonwealth as the existing principal regulator of animal welfare, Letter sent to all members of the Labor parliamentary caucus as the governing party, and the Senate cross-benchers, 21 September 2009.
- Submission to Attorney-General, BAWP’s letter of opposition to the Bill to the Attorney-General, 3 September 2008.
- Sample letter to State NSW Opposition members, Letter regarding NSW Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Prosecutions) Bill 2007 to curtail private prosections, 28 November 2007.
- Second reading – POCTAA Amendment (Prosecutions) Bill 2007, Hansard, NSW Legislative Council, 28 November 2007.
- Agreement in principle- POCTAA Amendment (Prosecutions) Bill 2007, Hansard, Legislative Assembly, 27 November 2007.