Panel intervenes on behalf of ASK to protect Agile Wallabies

Wallaby BAWP1
On 11 August 2014 the Panel intervened on behalf of the Australian Society for Kangaroos to prepare and file on its behalf an application in the Supreme Court of Queensland to review decisions by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection to grant damage mitigation permits for the taking of Agile Wallabies in the Mission Beach area of North Queensland. An amended application and supporting evidence was filed by ASK on 18 September. The application challenges the issue of the permits on grounds, in summary, of unreasonableness and other technical administrative law grounds.
The Department was due to file its evidence by 3 October. The matter is listed for Court mention on 9 October.

The Panel extends its grateful thanks to Panel counsel, Stephen Keim SC and law firm Couper Geysen.