Milo was released after 2 years and 7 months incarceration.

Milo was released after 2 years and 7 months incarceration.

The Victorian parliamentary committee of inquiry investigating the regulatory framework for restricted breed dogs today published its report and recommendations, the key underlying conclusion of which is that Victoria’s BSL is not working. The Committee has recommended that the government lift the current ban on the registration of pit bulls that have not been previously registered.

The Committee states that registration would facilitate councils encouraging responsible ownership of these dogs, and also mean the councils would no longer seize and kill them ‘solely’ because of their breed.

The Committee concluded that not all breed specific provisions should be repealed and, adopting a precautionary approach, stated that some restrictions should stay in place at least until clearer evidence is available. To this end the Committee recommended pit bulls continue to be contained in secure enclosures at home and should be leashed and muzzled when in public.

Panel recommendation accepted

At page 241 of the report the Committee quoted excerpts from the submissions of Bill Bruce (former Calgary program Director) and the Barristers Animal Welfare Panel recommending establishment of a state-wide specialised agency to implement and oversee a Calgary-like program. The Committee agreed that a task force would provide important support to local councils in moving to a greater focus on responsible pet ownership and should have relevant expertise to develop policy at a state level for local councils to implement. The Committee recommended the Domestic Animals Unit (located within the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources) as the logical place for the task force to be located.

There is also a specific section of the report (Section 5) dealing with Greyhounds.

The Committee recommended also that the Government provide an exposure draft of its proposed amendments so that there can be public input.

Here is the copy of the report and its recommendations: DOGS_report 23 MARCH 2016